November was only a taste. Indeed, in December the price increases for German scrap showed their full intensity. During the last month of the year, quotation for raw material on the German market, according to the surveys carried out by the association of German traders BDSV, just went up from a minimum of 29 euros per ton (for turnings) to a maximum of 36 euros per ton (for the sheared) than the previous month. Current prices are in line as those of December 2019. Going into detail, the regional trend for the German scrap sees the highest monthly growth in…

An employee of siderweb says: <<The anti-Covid vaccine and its arrival on the market seems to have had a miraculous effect: round, wire rod and billets are now living an authentic Golden Moment, with prices which are rapidly increasing>>. (more…)

<<Every week I regret selling in the previous one. Because if I waited for a couple of days I would have earned more, considering that prices continue to rais>>. This is the perfect summary related to scrap made by a market operator: <<By now – he continues – I am in the mood of “sell, earn and regret”, I believe I am not overreacting if I am talking about a situation that seems to be out of control>>. (more…)